Soneri Bank’s Online Banking System Website Hacked by PakBugs

The official website of Pakistan’s Soneri Bank has been hacked and defaced by hackers from PakBugs.

The website was left with a deface page along with a message, making fun of the bank, its admins for poor security and coding. 

On First Look I saw ” Security Seal of Norton Company ” But Soon After 5 minutes I came to Know That your Soneri Bank is in Wrong Untalented Hands because you Guys are hiring noobs with digree but Real Talent of Pakistan is always without degree, See the diff, Your World Class Internet Banking System secured by Norton Compromised within 5 Minutes , ain’t funny ?

The hackers bashed the bank and Norton internet security, saying:

Your multi Billion Dollars data is in my 10$ USB Drive, which is more safer then your expensive security systems. Where is So called Cyber Security Gaint Norton who Secure you han?
…. Note:- We Didn’t transfer even 1 Dollar From your System !

Soneri Bank-site-hacked-pakbugs

PakBugs hacking group is known for its high-profile hacks, the group has done some magnificent hacks in past such as  the hacking and defacement of Pakistani News Giant and PKNIC Domain Registrar and Google Morocco and Google Saint Helena

At the time of publishing this article, the website was hacked and displaying deface page left by the hackers.

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