430 Websites Hacked by Turk Hack Team

A hacker going with the handle of Black-Spy from Turk Hack Team has hacked and defaced 430 websites from different countries around the world.

The sites were left with different deface pages along with messages but somehow more understandable message has been mentioned below with a message that was left by the team with the site list on Pastebin, explaining which sites were targeted and why.

  • After the operations of Turk hack teams defacement crew 430 sites have been hacked. sites that have been taken down were education health engineering and construction heavy.

Hackers have also threatened that their next targeted will be Chinese sites against oppression against Turks in East Turkestan:

  • Turk Hack Teams new operations will be targeted towards chinese sites to protest oppression against turks in east turkestan.

The list of targeted site is available here which includes education, health, engineering and heavy construction.

Black-Spy is the same hacker who had hacked and defaced 220 websites few days ago.

At the time of publishing this article, some sites were offline, some restored and remaining still hacked and displaying deface page left by the hackers.

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