5 of the Best Log Monitoring Tools

Log management has been a tool that’s helping business and site owners to keep track of how their domains are functioning.
5 of the Best Log Monitoring Tools

Log management has been a tool that’s helping business and site owners to keep track of how their domains are functioning. By accessing information quickly and efficiently, you’ll be alerted to problems before they can get worse. For this reason, it’s crucial that businesses of all kinds utilize a proper monitoring tool to help them grow successful, protected companies. With so many programs and tools readily available, it can be difficult to figure out which option is best suited to your needs.


Log monitoring by Loggly offers a free 14-day trial for individuals wanted to utilize their cloud-based management program. You can gain a real-time view of any and all events happening across servers and systems. Likewise, the data collected can be used to find and search for different logs, which streamlines the process for you and your team. The company makes it effortless to customize the program available to meet each of your business’s many needs.


Honeycomb is a well-known log monitoring and management program that offers users a free 14-day trial. The system is built for modern development teams looking for an easy, streamlined solution to many of their website problems. By pinpointing the problem, you’re able to optimize the code being used. This can help to prevent security breaches and hacks from becoming an issue. Honeycomb makes the entire system transparent so that you can spot issues and find helpful, reasonable solutions.


Log360 offers monitoring, management and data visualization. Network security allows you to keep files and servers safeguarded, which is an absolute must in this day and age. You can use the tool to quickly detect threats and to work on ways to prevent a breach from happening. Its real-time monitoring gives you an easy view of everything happening in a way that is quick and effortless for companies of all sizes.


Papertrail has been optimized to make viewing logs easier than ever before. You can search for files using a handy research tool, pinpointing the exact moment you want to see something happening. You’ll be alerted instantly if there is a problem so that you are able to eradicate the issue before it can affect your domain. Papertrail allows users to request a demo where they will be able to give the program a try before committing to anything. This will ultimately save you money and provide you with an all-in-one service that you’ll rely on day after day.

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is a modern solution for a modern-day problem. You are able to view all information and data pertaining to your site using a convenient dashboard setting. You’ll receive alerts if something is wrong and be given troubleshooting tips on how to correct the problem. This live dashboard is a great way to get the information essential for running a successful website. You can give the program try for a short while before committing to paying for it. For Sumo customers, this particular tool has allowed them to improve how their businesses are run.

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