Survey Shows Most Americans are Fine with Backdoor in Their Devices

A recent survey from Vormetric revealed that people in the United States are OK with the addition of backdoors in their devices/software. This startling revelation negated the general perception that Americans greatly value their privacy.

The survey was conducted by Vormetric and Wakefield regarding the ongoing debate between tech firms and the US government regarding the use of backdoors in applications.

According to the results of the survery, 91percent respondents felt that although adding backdoors to encryption can affect their privacy and can be dangerous but this is a justified risk.

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The revelations come as a surprise for many since it has come at a time when tech firms like Apple and the US governments are involved in a heated public debate over the users’ privacy and data encryption. 

Nowadays, every tech firm is interested in encrypting its data to prevent law enforcement agencies from spying on users sans their knowledge.

But it seems that the US government has activated the department of dirty tricks now. 

91% Americans are OK with backdoors

When Apple Inc., refused to decrypt message and turn them over to agencies, the FBI and the Justice Department decided to settle their dispute with the iPhone maker in court to pressurize the firm to add a backdoor to all of its apps.

A majority of security experts are not in favor of adding backdoors to software citing that the hidden gate can be used by hackers too and not just government agencies.

However, 34% Americans highlighted that backdoors if added can affect small businesses since their data will be easily breached and these will lose the competitive edge these enjoy over bigger firms.

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