Neo-Nazi DailyStormer Booted Off By Austrian Domain Registrar

DailyStormer Booted Off by Austrian domain registrar

Andrew Anglin, the administrator of the neo-nazi website DailyStormer, has no chill since he keeps on trying to make a comeback with his website on the regular web. Recently, the site successfully came online with a .at domain using the services of Austrian domain registrar (

But it took a few days for the company to boot off the hate mongering site from its panel after receiving information from Austrian politicians that the site is home to white supremacist propaganda, said Monika Pink-Rank, Head of PR & Marketing at the Austrian domain registry.

On the other hand, the online hacktivist Anonymous said they also reported the issue to the Austrian company. A screenshot of an email conversation between both parties can be read in the following Tweet.

DailyStormer has been looking for a home on the regular web after GoDaddy suspended its .com domain for mocking Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman killed by a white supremacist James Alex Fields after he smashed his car into an anti-racist crowd during “Unite the White” rally.

The site then moved onto Dark Web where Tor decided not to make any move against it since the platform believes in “freedom of expression.”

Timeline of DailyStormer’s suspension from the regular web

On 14th August GoDaddy banned DailyStormer’s .com domain from the Internet

On 16th August Russian domain registrar removed DailyStormer from the .RU domain

On 16th August again, CloudFlare removes its DDoS protection service from the .RU domain

On 27th August, US firm DreamHost removed DailyStormer’s new domain PunishedStormer

On 1st September, the Albanian domain registrar HostDotal removed DailyStormer’s .AL domain

However, DailyStormer is not the only platform facing the aftermath of spreading online hate. On August 29, one of the oldest and most popular White-Supremacist website known as the Murder Capital of the Internet “Stormfront” was also booted off for its racist and hate content.


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