The meltdown of Donald Trump’s empire is slowly but continuously gaining momentum and the latest to add more misery to the real estate mogul’s already swelled up problems is the hack attack.
Reportedly, the Trump chain of hotels has become the victim of latest hack attack by cybercriminals and a major credit card breach has occurred.
The downslide for Donald Trump’s empire began with his own inflammatory political comments and now the hack can be termed as yet another setback.
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The Trump Organization’s executive vice president of development and acquisitions Eric Trump says, “Like virtually every other company these days, we have been alerted to potential suspicious credit card activity and are in the midst of a thorough investigation to determine whether it involves any of our properties. We are committed to safeguarding all guests’ personal information and will continue to do so vigilantly.”
The news of the credit card breach was firstly reported by Krebs on Security, which described it as a series of charges made to debit and credit cards used at the Trump hotel chain.
The Trump Hotel Collection locations that were targeted in this hack include New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Miami and Chicago.
No further details were shared by the company regarding the severity of the breach such as the losses suffered.
Moreover, no information about whether this attack was linked to Trump’s recent fall from grace or not, but this has been a tough week for the business mogul and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
Various big-wig partners such as the Macy’s and Univision also sever ties with the real estate mogul due to his remarks about Mexicans.
In February 2013, Donald Trump had his official twitter account hacked where hacker posted Lil Wayne’s song “These hoes think they classy, well that’s the class I’m skippen,”
Trump is not the first one to get his hotels targeted by hackers. In March 2015, The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group was also hacked following with an attack on White Lodging.
Krebs on Security