Hacker Claims Breaching FBI Server, Exposes Details of 80 Miami Police Officers

A hacker linked with the ”Cracka with Attitude” group claims to hack FBI’s service and steal personal information of over 80 Miami Police Officers. 

A hacker, who has dubbed himself as Lorde Bashtien, has managed to hack the servers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and obtained data of over 80 police officers.

The officers are associated with the Miami Police Department, Miami Beach Police Department and the Miami-Dade Police Department.

According to Vice, the hacker rejected the reports circulating in the media that the data was hacked from local Miami police servers.

Lorde Bashtien is apparently linked with the CWA group of hackers. CWA is now a defunct group but it had made headlines by hacking personal email accounts and telephone numbers of high-profile figures. Such as the group hacked personal accounts of FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano, CIA Director John Brennan, US National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Senior Advisor on science and technology of President Barack Obama John Holdren.

The CWA also compromised JABS (Joint Automated Booking System), which is an application designed to record and manage the arrested American citizens. Moreover, the group also boasted about obtaining access to a secret FBI portal.

The Twitter account of the hacker has been suspended but before going offline, Lorde Bashtien clarified that the data was taken from servers of the FBI.

In November 2015, the notorious hacking group FBI the personal information of around 2,400 US government officials and it was verified later that the data was authentic.

The dox, a term used primarily by hackers when they release someone’s personal details, contains crucial data like work phones, email IDs and work titles apart from full names and personal addresses. The data released this week is in the same format as of the data released by CWA back in November. Therefore, it seems plausible that the data has been released from the same or inter-linked sources.

Screeshot of the leaked data

The doxer Lorde Bashtien revealed that this act of releasing personal details of police officials was motivated by a personal grudge that he held against the Miami PD when some of his friends were targeted by police officers during a raid last year on a house they rented. The raid ended with a shooting.

We can presume that the hacker is a Miami resident, in the light of this revelation made by the hacker.

However, despite the fact that the hacker gave his location and nationality away with this hack, and his apparent links with the CWA group involved in high-profile hacks, the FBI failed to catch them until now. It must be noted that public pressure is mounting on the agency as the recent hacks have raised fingers over the safety of the agency’s and federal government’s employees.

Meanwhile, Lorde Bashtien has created another Twitter account and after this new hacking feat, the hacker tweeted: “more leaks soon, stay tuned.”

So, it can be said that other data may get released in the near future by this team.

Update (7:26 PM Monday, January 25, 2016 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):

The twitter account of the alleged hacker has been restored and once again personal information of the police officers has been exposed to pubic.

Grab Art 

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