Pakistani hacktavists from MaDleets TeaM have defaced the official websites of Pakistan Military Engineer Services (, Pakistan Bar Council ( and Secretariat Training Institute ( along with 150+ other high profiles Pakistani websites.
It seems as if some sites were already hacked by Xploiter Crew where H4x0r HuSsY of MaDleets TeaM came in and restored all websites with his own deface page. However, one of the hacker from MaDleets told me that all hacks are done to warn Xploiter Crew. The deface message on all sites was expressed in following words:
Restored by H4x0r HuSsY Who DafuQ is Xploiter Crew?? TEAM MADLEETS HERE FOR PAKISTAN.
Links of all targeted websites along with their mirrors are available here.
Military Engineer Services website is the official site for engineer corp of the Pakistan Army while Pakistan bar Council is the highest elected body of lawyers in Pakistan.
MaDleets TeaM are the same hackers who had hacked Online IT News Website ProPakistani and Famous Pro-Israeli Platform Israelforum few days ago.
At the time of publishing this article, all websites were hacked and displaying deface page left by the hackers.
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