It seems like porn is making America great again
Americans usually are deemed as a nation deeply divided over critical issues of survival. However, when it comes to porn, the nation seems quite convinced over various aspects. Pornhub conducted a state-by-state analysis in collaboration with Vocativ to understand the porn related preferences of its users in the United States. It became evident that Porn has somewhat pervasive influence in this part of the world.

The impact of porn was explored in the 6th episode of the ground-breaking eight-part docuseries Dark Net, which has been produced and conceived by Vocativ. It shows the conclusions of the survey and offers an in-depth analysis of the peculiarities of American sexuality.

Why is America Obsessed with Lesbianism?
In the analysis, it was identified that “Lesbian” was the most widely and frequently searched term on Pornhub across the 50 states in America. This means Americans share a similar level of interest when in this regard. Even those places where people are strictly divided by political ideologies such as California and Alabama, the agreement over Lesbianism is almost mutual. This particular term ranked highest in at least 30 states from eastern to western America. It was also concluded that out if those ten states from where Pornhub received the highest traffic, the leading search term was “lesbian.” California however, was ahead of every other place with 187,000 searches for Lesbian in January.
“Step sister, step mom and lesbian is what America loves”The incestuous inclination of Americans was also identified from this survey because a majority of users from Montana, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota and Wyoming searched for “step sister,” whereas in South Dakota, Washington, Kentucky, new Hampshire and Alaska, people searched for “stepmom.” The most searched term in Rhode Island was “MILF.”
Racial preferences were also evident in quite a few states such as in Delaware, Georgia and Mississippi “ebony” was widely searched term while in Louisiana the term “black” was among the top searches. “Asian” was most searched in Hawaii.
This shows a general pattern as well, since Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana are among those 6 states in America where more than 25% of the total population is black, claims the 2010 census. However, Vermont, Nebraska and Arkansas’ case are most perplexed since most people here searched for “cartoon.”
America isn’t Alone in Porn Fever:
Don’t draw any conclusions as yet about the American sexual habits and preferences because when Pornhub conducted a similar analysis last year, Lesbian turned out to be the most searched term all over the world. Moreover, MILF, Step Sisters, Step Mom, Black, Ebony ad Asian were also included in the top 20 global search terms of the year list in 2015. So this means, Porn is something the world is in agreement with.
What do you search for? 😂