A Clayton County, Georgia, high school played pornographic content on its TV monitor in the presence of students during lunch leaving them baffled. One of the students, a 10th grader, took a photo of the monitor screen and texted it to her mother (Daphne Raines) who told WPXI that the image was “too graphic to show.”
Raines, who immediately reached the school after receiving the text from her daughter, is now looking for answers. However, it is unclear how it happened or who did it. “It was on for about a minute before the principal ran out of the cafeteria, and then it disappeared,” said Raines.
Some students used their smartphones to record the activity on the TV monitor and uploaded it on social media including on Snapchat.

The school representative said they are investigating the issue. But it is unclear if it was done on purpose, or whether the TV monitor was compromised but an outsider. In the event that it was a smart TV; chance is that it could have been hacked and controlled by a hacker to play x-rated content.
Remember, WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 related leaks exposed how The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) can hack into smart devices including TVs, trucks, and smartphones to spy on users without triggering any warning.
This is not the first time when a TV monitor screen ended up showing pornographic content on it. Previously, a TV monitor at the bus terminal in the Curitiba state of Brazil was hacked to play x-rated content rather than displaying bus timings.
In April this year, a train station screen in India was hacked to run pornographic content while hundreds of commuters walked by. There have been a number of other similar incidents including the one in Indonesia and Mexico in which giant billboards were hacked to display x-rated content.
But one has to agree that what happened in the Georgia high school is nothing but embarrassing since it included kids.