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4 posts
Science fiction becomes science fact – Our brains can be hacked
A team of academic security researchers from KU Leuwen, Belgium, have discovered that medical implants like electrical brain implants are quite…
April 23, 2018
Mind-Reader Headset Transfers Your Thoughts On Screen with 90% Accuracy
MIT Media Lab researchers call it AlterEgo headset. Though it sounds as bizarre as it can be but it…
April 10, 2018
Wireless Brain Interface Can Make the Paralyzed Walk Again
After successful results on monkeys, scientists claim paralyzed people can also walk again with their recently developed wireless…
November 12, 2016
Hacking Brain Possible with DARPA’ New Targeted Neuroplasticity Training Program
DARPA plans to hack the peripheral nervous system and American security officials and spies For the defensive purpose,…
March 22, 2016