Telegram, the secure instant messaging service has issued an update v.3.18 allowing users to make and receive end-to-end encrypted calls over WiFi, 3G, and 4G. Yes, just like WhatsApp, you can now make calls using the Telegram app on your Android and iOS devices.
To deliver the best quality calling service, the latest update also allows Telegram to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to check ping times, signal strength and network information, etc. without having any access to the contents of the user’s conversation.

“According to our tests, Telegram Calls are already superior to any of our competitors on comparable connections,” said Telegram. “But the quality of Telegram Calls will further improve as you and others use them, thanks to the built-in machine learning.”
Another noticeable feature, which comes with the update is having a complete control over who calls you. You can even switch voice calls off altogether, blocking anyone and everyone from calling you. Also, in order to verify that call is 100% secure, you and your recipient only need to compare four emoji over the phone. There’s no need to use complicated pictures or lengthy codes for verification.
However, there’s one problem, the update only allows users in Europe to enjoy so far the end-to-end encrypted voice calls. It’s unclear when a worldwide update will be issued, the company did reveal that it’s coming soon. So stay tuned and keep an eye on your app store for the update.
We're starting to roll out Voice Calls: secure, crystal-clear, constantly improved by machine learning.
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 30, 2017
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