A big day in the history of animal prostheses has arrived, Turkey’s medical 3D printing company provided an injured turtle with a prosthetic jaw.
The turtle was struck by a boat propeller and broke its jaw and beak. According to the 3D printing industry, the turtle was found half dead and was immediately rushed to the Dalyan Iztuzu Pamukkale University (PAU), Sea Turtle Research, Rescue, and Rehabilitation Center.
The turtle’s jaw was so badly damaged that it was hand fed by the medical staff. However, soon after the lucky turtle was fixed a medical-grade titanium prosthesis made by BTech, a 3D printing company. PAU volunteers inquired from BTech if the company could be of help then personnel at BTech first conducted a CT scan on the turtle.
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Next, they the CT scan images were transformed into a 3D model. Surgeons and veterinarians then used the same model to generate a replica of the turtle’s upper and lower jaws and beak.
After the design was approved by the medical team, the replica was then 3D printed in medical-grade titanium before being dispatched to the surgeons. The 3D printed jaw was successfully displaced onto the wounded turtle, in presence of many expert physicians.
The turtle is well taken care of by expert physicians once the turtle is fully healed it will be returned to its home, the Ocean.