Ex-NSA tech Snowden leaked documents had yet another element of surprise; it has a set of slides depicting mysterious spacecrafts referring to Flying Saucers or UFO.

The slides, part of the powerpoint presentation created by the British spying agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), contains three un-captioned images seemingly like flying saucers. The presentation was produced by the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) for presentations to the US, National Security Agency (NSA).
The pictures, which are dated, are evidence about the seriousness of the intelligence agencies regarding UFOs. Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, feels the document offers guidelines to spies on how to spread lies on the Internet.

- The main evidence for the cover-up of UFO reports and manipulation of UFO beliefs, as revealed by the documents released by Edward Snowden, is contained in a Powerpoint presentation called, ‘The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations,” said the author at Intellihub.
He further added how governments feared the power of belief in UFO and how manipulative it was to use it for their own needs.

- Government agencies are still aware of the power of the belief in UFOs, and that they are willing to use the Internet to exploit these beliefs,” Watson adding that “Such deception can be used as a means of covering-up more mundane terrestrial activities (like the testing of secret aircraft or military exercises) or to undermine the credibility of ufologists.”
Glenn Greenwald, American journalist and author, has earlier commented how government was practicing techniques:
- To inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets – and to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable”
However, the pictures on slide not named and do not read anything, leaving it open to speculate what they were and why they were there.
- The overall point of the presentation is to discuss how the Internet and modern media can be used to discredit people and to spread deception. Unfortunately, there is no explanatory text with the UFO pictures, so we can only speculate about what point they were being used to make,” said Watson.
He added that the images have been explained variously by skeptics as a hub cap thrown in are, or a deflated mylar balloon.
Source: Yahoo News