If you are a cybersecurity specialist then U.S Military is ready to hire you.
Lt. Gen Cordon announced that U.S Military is planning to create Cyber Branch 17, a new cybersecurity wing. The department is thinking of launching a new career option for civilians who can help the military to secure its servers against the increasing cyber attacks.
Cardon believes it is really important to create a cyber-career management field for civilians as it would make recruitment process easier.
Lt. Gen Edward C. Cardon announced this week that the U.S Army is ready to create a completely new cybersecurity division—Cyber Branch 17. The unique aspect of this new wing is that the U.S Army is thinking of beginning a cyber-career track for citizens. Cardon is the head of U.S. Army’s cyber command wing called ARCYBER.
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On Tuesday, while speaking to the Senate Armed Services subcommittee Cardon argued that recruiting from civil sector would be better than recruiting from within the military and trying to preserve the talent. Cardon was addressing the issue of increasing threats and capabilities in the cyber warfare domain.
According to Cardon, it can intensify the already rising challenges if the department continues to recruit internally to retain talent. That’s because internal hiring restricts surrounding compensation along with slowing down hiring procedure.
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Cardon explained that currently, the department’s efforts to employ civilian talent comprised of “extensive marketing efforts, and leveraging existing programs and initiatives run by the National Security Agency (NSA), Office of Personnel Management, and National Science Foundation.”
He recommended that if the department adopt a targeted and “enhanced use of recruiting, relocation and retention bonuses, and repayment of student loans will improve efforts to attract, develop and retain an effective cyber civilian workforce.”
He stressed on the fact that these processes although are in place but require “consistent and predictable, long-term funding.”
$1.02bn from the cumulative $126.5bn of the Army’s budget for 2016 has been reserved for cyber initiatives. This also includes $90mn for the development of Cyber Center of Excellence’s new headquarters in Fort Gordon, Georgia.
Cardon informed that the U.S Army will have to support this new investment by hiring and retaining 3,086 military as well as civilian staff having “core cyber skills.”
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He also added that the Army will be trying to expand its programmes on cyber education like training schemes related to this industry and civilian graduate courses. The courses will be debuted at numerous establishments such as the Air Force Institute of Technology and the Naval Postgraduate School.
Cardon also said that: “We are confident these will serve as additional incentives to retain the best personnel for this highly technical field.”
Concluding his speech, Cardon highlighted the fact that cybersecurity must be the top priority for every soldier serving in the U.S. Army. He stated: “We’re exposing all officers to cyber security because this has to become part of the foundational education that we expect them to have.”
Source: Army.mil