Keeping data and information secure is one of the biggest problems businesses face. Cybercrime is a big issue for many because of the amount of personal data they hold regarding their customers. No amount of security can guarantee 100% that they will not be hacked, but here are a few things that can help to reduce the risks.
Start with Emails
There are some very simple steps that can be taken to help reduce the risks of being hacked. Educate your employees not to open emails unless they are from trusted sources and to never click on a link in an email. Hackers are very clever. If they have seen from your data that perhaps an electronic parts search is carried out, they will make sure the phishing email they send is related in some way. Don’t be fooled – delete any suspicious emails without even opening them.

Most people are used to making passwords, but unfortunately, far too many of us use words or dates that are simple to remember. In fact, research has shown that the most common one used is ‘Password’.
Your passwords need to be changed on a regular basis and should be complex rather than simple. This will make them much harder for a hacker to work out, although they will often have a software program that does it for them. But, even these can be beaten if the password is strong enough.
Each user should have their own password, even if they are accessing the same program on different machines. This can help prevent a hacker from getting into all areas of your systems if they manage to get into one computer.

Update and Backup
All your software should be updated every time a new version comes out. Often, these updates include things to plug a new hole that has been found in security, and this applies to your anti-virus software and firewall too.
Regular backups are essential. If you open your computer to be faced with a ransom note saying your computers will only be unlocked on the receipt of payment, you could wipe them clean and reload them as long as you have a backup of all your hardware, software and data.

Restrict Access
You should restrict access to sensitive information just to those that need it. This particularly relates to new employees, as there is evidence that shows that the majority of unauthorized intrusions take place within the network firewalls. You must learn to trust them first, and they should understand why their access is restricted to start with.

Always Give Security Priority
The security of your systems is something you should never stop being concerned with. When you have your bank account online or all the details of your business and customers, it is essential you take every step you can to keep it all secure. You will very soon lose customers if you have a data breach as many large organizations have found out to their cost.
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