Florida man who is on the top of the wanted list was found making fun of the cops that also on their Facebook page.
Logan Hale of Polk County Florida is wanted for his alleged involvement in an armed burglary, but the fugitive has been making fun of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office via their Facebook page.
Logan Hale belongs to Polk country was found to be involved in the armed burglary and is wanted since then. Recently he was found mocking the Sheriff of the Polk Country on their Facebook Page.
On August 18, around 7:28 p.m. Hale’s comment on the wanted post was found saying “Hello, here I am”. This was not the only comment made by him. Few minutes later he further commented that “Deputies continue to look for me but Are frustrated that I am unable to be located….” Furthermore, “Finallyfree” was added by him in front of his own name, trying to mock the cops again.
Mr. FinallyFree was arrested the very next day by the police and he is not a finally free man anymore. On 20th August, the Polk Country Sheriff’s Office posted an update on their Facebook that,
“Logan Hale, you are on your way to jail. Your attempts to hide were to no avail. Maybe you’ll make bail. Either way, your Facebook taunts were an ‘epic fail.'” – Sheriff Grady Judd

This is not the first time when a crook has been arrested because of Facebook. In past, a wanted thug Levi Charles Readon (wanted for Forgery) was arrested for liking a post on Great Falls, Cascade County Crime Stoppers’s Facebook page asking people for assistance in Levi’s arrest.
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