Necessity is the mother of invention, the old adage has proved its worth again when a German-based company has successfully won the trust of privacy-conscious Internet users.
The trend for using encrypted email service started after Snowden leaks. Several firms took on the NSA and came up with end-to-end email encryption system. Recently, a similar service provider Tutanota reached 1 Million users, which means such large number of email accounts may be saved from illegal mass surveillance.
Tutanota is a Germany-based encrypted email startup that offers end-to-end email encryption service to its email users. The startup service automatically encrypts emails and every email sent via Tutanota is end-to-end encrypted. Thus, it can be assumed that using Tutanota mailbox may prevent your emails from getting exposed or spied upon.

Tutanota account can be used for businesses
The service is also available on Android and iOS apps
It automatically encrypts all your data on your device
It’s free and open source.
According to the developer and co-founder of Tutanota, Arne Möhle, the target is to “reach tens of millions of users in the coming years. Just imagine what this would mean for our privacy! It would make mass surveillance of the internet literally impossible. And that is exactly what we strive for at Tutanota.”
Möhle further added that: “Already a growing number of people are unwilling to share their private life with big corporations and are looking for secure alternatives. Together, we will stop the Orwellian surveillance of every single move we do online. Using encryption is an important part to achieve this.”
“Plus encrypted email is only the beginning of our fight for privacy. This year we want to add an encrypted calendar to Tutanota so that our appointments and contacts will be private again. In addition, we keep the price for our Premium version of Tutanota with custom domain support as low as 1 Euro per month. This allows lots of our users to upgrade and to pay for their privacy. In opposite to many big companies, our business model does not rely on exploiting our users’ data or on posting targeted advertisements.”