Guccifer 2.0 has leaked more data on Democratic Party and it’s not a good news!
Guccifer 2.0 seems to have a thing for the Democratic Party. A month after dumping over 20,000 hacked emails from the primary domain of the Democratic Party, he has now dropped the contact information of more than 200 Democratic Party members.
It would have been obvious if only the hacker had revealed contact information alone. But no, Guccifer 2.0 is on a mission to embarrass these members as he included usernames and passwords of several online news and commentary sites, such as Glenn Beck’s site.

Related: After Hacking Bush, Guccifer admits Hacking Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
The 200 members exposed include members of the House Armed Services Committee, House Intelligence Committee, and House Relations Committee. All these three committees are heavily involved in sensitive security issues. The information revealed, in the hands of an enemy government, means a lot of harm to the USA.
Guccifer 2.0 also gained access to the personal computer of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi, on Thursday, commented about the breach. “I am positive this is the work of the Russians. We are currently assessing the damage.” Pelosi was overly concerned about the identity of the hacker and who already has access to the breached data.
The Democrats do not seem to think the hacks are coming from Republicans. Previously, the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, denied any involvement in the data breach involving the 20,000 emails. “The breach is so ridiculous and far reaching. Honestly, I wish I had such skills.”
Apparently, US officials are contemplating on whether to retaliate to the breaches on the Democratic Party units. A possible consequence of the data breach would be to impose economic sanctions on Russia as reportedly US officials are confident Moscow was behind the DNC breach. However, imposing such penalties require the White House to accuse Russia publicly, which has not happened, yet. The US government is always cautious of making such cyber-assault accusations public.
Russia and the US do not agree on almost everything. Making these allegations will only serve to increase tensions between the two countries. The US has to be sure the hacks are Russian-backed. And even then, the process of deciding the necessary reactions could take a lot of time.
The ugly truth is that the developed nations such as the US, Russia, the Asia bigwigs such as Japan and China and the members of the EU5 perform cyber-espionage on each other and other countries. The problem with this hack is that the person responsible is out to embarrass US politicians.
Related: WikiLeaks Releases Voicemails from Hacked DNC Emails
It is either Guccifer 2.0 wants to influence the US presidential elections, or he honestly thinks American citizen deserve the truth about the people they are about to put into office.