RegreSSHion: Critical Vulnerability in OpenSSH Exposes Millions of Servers

regreSSHion: Critical Vulnerability in OpenSSH Exposes Millions of Servers

A critical vulnerability in OpenSSH (regreSSHion) allows attackers full access to servers! Millions at risk. Learn how to patch your server and protect yourself from this remote code execution attack.

A high-severity vulnerability named “regreSSHion” has been discovered in OpenSSH servers, posing a significant threat to millions of systems worldwide. This vulnerability allows for remote unauthenticated code execution (RCE), meaning an attacker could take complete control of a vulnerable server without any login credentials.

Technical Details:

Dubbed RegreSSHion (CVE-2024-6387) by cybersecurity researchers at Qualys; is a flaw within the signal handler of the OpenSSH server daemon (SSHD). A signal handler is a function within a program designed to handle specific signals sent by the operating system.

In this case, the vulnerability arises due to a race condition within the signal handler. A race condition occurs when the outcome of a program depends on the unpredictable timing of events. In regreSSHion, a malicious actor can exploit this race condition to inject and execute arbitrary code on the server during the SSH client authentication process.


As per Qualys’ blog post, the potential impact of regreSSHion is severe. Due to its unauthenticated nature, any attacker can exploit this vulnerability to completely control a vulnerable server. This could lead to various malicious activities, including:

  • Installing malware: Attackers could install malware to steal sensitive data, disrupt operations, or launch further attacks.
  • Data exfiltration: Attackers could steal sensitive data from the compromised server, including user credentials, financial information, or intellectual property.
  • Lateral movement: Attackers could use the compromised server as a foothold to access other network systems.

Affected Systems:

Millions of servers running OpenSSH versions susceptible to regreSSHion are potentially at risk. These vulnerable versions include those dating back several years, especially on Linux systems utilizing the GNU C Library (glibc).

Ray Kelly, a fellow at the Synopsys Software Integrity Group, commented on the recent development stating, This vulnerability is about as bad as they come. A trifecta of Remote code execution, root access, and widespread distribution across Linux servers makes this a hot target for threat actors. Although an OpenSSH patch is available, deploying it across all affected systems—potentially impacting 14 million OpenSSH instances—poses a significant challenge. This vulnerability could persist for a long time, reminiscent of the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL from 2014.

Current Status:

The vulnerability was publicly disclosed on July 1, 2024, by Qualys. However, the good news is that OpenSSH developers have released patched versions addressing regreSSHion. Therefore, it is crucial for all users to update their OpenSSH servers to the latest patched versions as soon as possible.


The primary mitigation strategy for regreSSHion is to update OpenSSH to the latest patched version. Here’s how to address the vulnerability:

  • Identify your OpenSSH version: Use the command ssh -V to check your current OpenSSH version.
  • Download the latest patched version: Visit the official OpenSSH website here to download the latest patched version compatible with your operating system.
  • Update OpenSSH: The update process varies depending on your operating system. Refer to your system’s documentation for specific instructions.

Additional Recommendations:

While updating OpenSSH is essential, it’s also recommended to implement additional security measures to strengthen your server’s defences:

  • Enable strong authentication: Utilize methods like two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security beyond usernames and passwords.
  • Restrict access: Limit access to SSH to only authorized users and restrict remote access to critical systems where possible.
  • Monitor logs: Regularly monitor your server logs for suspicious activity that might indicate an attempted exploit.


RegreSSHion is a critical vulnerability that highlights the importance of timely software updates and robust server security practices. By patching OpenSSH and implementing additional security measures, users can significantly reduce their risk of exploitation. Staying informed about security vulnerabilities and implementing proper mitigation strategies are crucial for maintaining a secure server environment.

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