Russia boots off DailyStormer and CloudFlare removes DDoS protection

Russian firms boots off DailyStormer, CloudFlare removes DDoS protection

It looks like the racist and neo-nazi website DailyStormer has no place left on the regular Internet. A few days ago the website was banned by GoDaddy and Suspended by Google. Then it turned out that the site has moved to the Russian domain service RU and the Dark Web.

Now, it has been reported that the Russian firm which handles .ru domain names has booted off DailyStormer Thursday morning. According to a statement from Roskomnadzor’s head Alexandre Zharov (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media), “The Daily Stormer website promotes neo-Nazi ideology, incites racial, national and other types of social discord.”

On Wednesday it was reported that DailyStormer successfully put its .ru domain with Russian Network Information Center (RU-CENTER), however, on the official request of Roskomnadzor; RU-CENTER canceled its registration.

Egor Timofeev, the spokesperson for Roskomnadzor, told CNNMoney that “I should point out that registry is automatic, so RU-CENTER registers thousands of domains per day,” spokesperson Egor Timofeev told CNNMoney on Wednesday.

For now, no other domain registrar is willing to provide safe space to the site spreading racist ideology, and it looks like the dark web will be the best place for it to rot since there hasn’t been much information or education about using Tor or reaching dark web based sites.

A look at DailyStormer’s dark website, one can notice a series of new controversial articles labeling “Jews as terrorists” and thanking Trump for siding with the Alt-Right. The site is also asking for donations so it can be protected by a lawsuit however it is unclear what law suit they are talking about.

“The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists. In order to survive, we need shekels,” said the donation request.

Russian firms boots off DailyStormer, CloudFlare removes DDoS protection
Image: Daily Stormer on Tor

CloudFlare removes DDoS protection from “Assholes” DailyStormer

While the domain registrars have made up their minds, the much-awaited decision came from CloudFlare, an American firm providing content delivery and Internet security services to website owners.

The company has decided to remove its distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection service since DailyStormer was claiming on its discussion board that CloudFlare is on their side. According to a conversation with Gizmodo, CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince labeled the DailyStormer as “Assholes.”

“I realized there was no way we were going to have that conversation with people calling us Nazis,” he said. “The Daily Stormer site was bragging on their bulletin boards about how CloudFlare was one of them, and that is the opposite of everything we believe. That was the tipping point for me.”

Furthermore, Prince also wrote a blog post explaining that it was his decision to terminate the DDoS protection to the site and it’s not a part of company’s policy. Prince also highlighted that he is all for freedom of expression.

“I, personally, believe in strong Freedom of Speech protections, but I also acknowledge that it is a very American idea that is not shared globally.”

Remember, the controversy started when DailyStormer’s owner Andrew Anglin wrote an article against Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman killed by a white supremacist James Alex Fields after he smashed his car into an anti-racist crowd. The article went on to insult Heyer’s body shape and show complete support for the killer James Alex Fields Jr who has been charged with second-degree murder.

Tor has something to say

Since the website has been moved to Tor Network, the organization also wrote a blog post mentioning that they stand against racism but the site will stay. We are disgusted, angered, and appalled by everything these racists stand for and do.

We feel this way any time the Tor network and software are used for vile purposes. But we can’t build free and open source tools that protect journalists, human rights activists, and ordinary people around the world if we also control who uses those tools. Tor is designed to defend human rights and privacy by preventing anyone from censoring things, even us.”

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