Remember when malicious actors were spreading Nerbian RAT through fake WHO Safety emails on COVID-19? Well, If you believe that threat actors and scammers have given up on COVID-19-related scams, then you are wrong as Punisher ransomware is out there with the help of fake COVID-19 tracking apps.
New Scam on the Block
It is just as important now to access reliable sources for COVID-related updates as it was back when the pandemic was at its peak. That’s because researchers at Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) have discovered a brand-new variant of Punisher ransomware that’s being distributed through a bogus COVID-19 tracker app available on a COVID-19-theme-based site (covid19digitalhealthconsultingcl).

Attack Analysis
Since this COVID-19 scam involves ransomware, the malicious activities start right after the malware infiltrates the system. It quickly appends data to ransom notes, including the victims’ unique ID, system ID, BTC address, infection date, and JavaScript codes.
After this is done, the timer is started to ensure the ransom amount keeps increasing as time passes. the ransom note is displayed on the Desktop, Startup, and Start menus as a shortcut to a file titled “unlock your” Punisher encrypts the following data on the targeted device:
- AlertingUser
- RetrieveFiles
- CheckConnection
- GeneratePassword
- GenerateSystemID
- MakeConnection
Who are the Targets?
The attackers are targeting individuals in Chile in this campaign, and for file decryption, they are demanding $1000 in bitcoin. Researchers believe the attackers are targeting individuals and not corporations for this scam.
Their analysis is based on the modus operandi, the use of Punisher ransomware, and the malware’s use of the AES-128 symmetric algorithm to encrypt data.
How to Stay Protected?
You must exercise caution when accessing or downloading COVID-19-related apps or sites. Prefer downloading applications from authentic sources. Moreover, it is necessary to conduct regular backups, enable auto-updates, and install the best antivirus solutions. Also, avoid clicking on attachments in emails from unverified or unknown sources.
If you suspect your device may be affected by the ransomware, immediately detach all other devices sharing the network and external storage (if any), and keep monitoring the system logs for suspicious activities.
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