Google suspends Maps editor over peeing Android fiasco

Remember Android logo peeing on Apple logo found on Google Maps in Rawalpindi, Pakistan? Well, Google didn’t like it and for now it has suspended the map editor feature.

Mere apologizing wasn’t enough for Google as all hell broke loose when an image of the android mascot peeing on the Apple logo leaked and brought public fury. After a forced apology, Google is now shunning its maps editor, Map Maker, temporarily until it finds ways to respond to public abuse.

Spam in Map Maker edits has seemingly rocketed recently. It is giving the Map Maker a tough time to handle both the mistreatment and genuine edits. Edits will be frozen from May 12th until they get a hold on the mayhem. The Google team announced to “take a pause” until they decide about further action.

Android-peeing-google-maps-shows-android-is-peeing-on-an-apple-in-pakistan Android-peeing-google-maps-shows-android-is-peeing-on-an-apple-in-pakistan-2


Who did it?

Many Pakistanis have been bashing each other on Public forums for misuse of Map Maker feature, but no one knows who actually did it. Someone sitting in Alaska can edit a map and position it on India, Pakistan etc. Google should ask its moderators responsible to check and allow locations on Google maps.

Google is going through a critical time regarding map maker edits review after the Android mishap. After facing public rage upon their sloppy performance now each edit is manually reviewed which is quiet a hazardous task, it is still unclear when the tool will return to function.

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